QPASTT is offering this training series in the Townsville Region to facilitate professional development for health professionals, service providers and other persons involved in the care and support of people from refugee backgrounds.
We will be offering both daytime and evening sessions during the week starting Monday 10th May. The daytime and evening sessions will cover similar content, however, due to time constraints the evening sessions will be a condensed version of the trainings.
All workshops will be held at: Centacare North Qld, 410 Ross River Rd, Cranbrook Qld 4814
As it is a pre-requisite that all attendees at QPASTT Training sessions first watch our online video “Introduction to the Refugee Experience: The Impact of Trauma”, this video will automatically be emailed to all participants upon registration for any of the sessions. If you have attended QPASTT training previously and have already watched this video, please feel free to ignore this as it is not required that you watch it again.