QPASTT, in conjunction with the Department of Education, has created a series of training videos and face-to-face workshops to help school staff understand how to recognise and effectively respond to refugee-related trauma in the school environment.
There are three topics in this series:
- How Trauma Affects Children and Young People
- Responding to Trauma-related Behaviours in an Educational Setting
- Vicarious Trauma, Burnout & Self-care for Educators.
Each topic has two components:
- First, you watch the topic video prior to the workshop.
- Second, you participate in an interactive discussion about how to apply the information and skills described in the video in your work context. The discussion will be held face to face at the Toowoomba Multicultural Centre. It will be an opportunity to collaborate and share ideas with QPASTT staff and educators across the region.
The videos for each topic are broken down into 2 x 30 – 45 min segments for easy viewing.
These are FREE trainings for school staff in the Darling Downs South West Region. We hope that you enjoy and get much out of this training series