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Referral Form

The fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory and must be filled to successfully submit this referral form.

If you need help to complete this form, please call the QPASTT Duty Officer on (07) 3391 6677

We prefer to receive electronic referrals through the form below, however, if you cannot complete an electronic referral, you can also complete this PDF form and return to us through the details provided.

Referral Form

Referral Source

Self-Referral - referral source

Consent is essential for all QPASTT Services

Please provide other contact details

Person Referred (Client)

Are there any safety concerns for this person?
Interpreter Required:
Visa Status
Client has been in Immigration Detention

Referral Information & Indicators (Will be used to determine eligibility and triage accordingly)

What is the reason for referral?
Use your mouse at the bottom right corner of the entry field to expand the box and see what you have written.
Please tick and describe is any of the following are present:
Are you referring other family members for Family Counselling?


Trauma, Health and Disability Information. Select at least one.

A possible question to ask about torture and trauma is "some people have had bad things happen to themselves and their families. Has anything happened to you or your family that is affecting the way you are feeling now?"
Additional considerations for Children/Adolescents only
Learning difficulty/cognitive Impairment?
Physical disability and/or chronic illness?


Please provide details of any other workers/agencies supporting this person and the type of support provided (other than the referring agency). Include NDIS.

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

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