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QPASTT values collaborative, quality, applied research partnerships with clients, communities, universities and other stakeholders that contributes to evidence-based recovery from torture and trauma for our clients and communities.

Submit a Research Proposal

QPASTT is regularly approached to participate in research, something we take very seriously due to the sensitive nature of our work and the systemic vulnerabilities our clients are likely to experience.

We require that research collaboration requests are submitted early in the development stage, and include a thorough research proposal so that we understand potential benefits (and risks) of the research for our clients, staff and organisation.

Your application will be reviewed by members of the QPASTT Senior Leadership and if agreed to have merit will be assessed by members of the QPASTT Board of Directors. This process takes some time and we appreciate it if researchers are open to modification of their project to accommodate our needs.

To commence this application process, please complete the research application form and submit to

research application form

For your information and research planning, please consider the following

QPASTT rarely promotes external research projects where our clients are the subjects or are research participants. For the projects we do promote, we require there to be clear support structures and minimal risk of distress or harm (i.e. not research about the client’s refugee experience or journey to Australia, not research about their detention experience or experience of applying for protection). Again, any external project that involves client participation needs to have clear, direct individual benefits for the participants.

QPASTT is not a crisis service. We are a long-term trauma recovery service for people from refugee backgrounds. We do not have the capacity to provide immediate support to people whose trauma experience is re-triggered by research projects. Therefore, we request that you do not list QPASTT as an agency that can support people that become emotionally distressed as a result of participating in your research project.

QPASTT will not mandate client or staff participation in any research project. Participation in a research project will only occur on a voluntary basis.

Any research involving the participation of QPASTT clients must offer the option of a qualified interpreter, unless the client does not wish to use an interpreter. The researcher is responsible for the cost of interpreters.

Participants should be offered the opportunity to see the outcome of the research project, at no cost to themselves.

Any publications that name QPASTT should be submitted to the QPASTT Co-CEOs for review prior to publication. This enables QPASTT to ensure that our work is appropriately publicly represented.

Current Research Projects

2021 – QPASTT Counselling in Context:

Understanding the contextual factors of psychosocial interventions in a naturalistic setting in relation to the recovery of survivors of trauma

This study is a collaboration between QPASTT and Associate Professor Kate Murray from the School of Psychology and Counselling at QUT. It aims to investigate the contextual factors related to the mental health and wellbeing outcomes among adult refugee survivors of trauma attending the QPASTT counselling service.

QPASTT counsellors combine a variety of therapeutic approaches. We want to understand the counselling experiences of both clients and counsellors, and how counsellors apply different approaches in a naturalistic setting, their decision making process when choosing one approach over another, and what factors inform those decisions.

2021 – Stronger Futures Centre of Research Excellence:

Building resilience and breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma and social inequity

QPASTT is a Partner Organisation in the Stronger Futures Centre of Research Excellence (CRE). The CRE five-year goal is to improve social and emotional wellbeing, family functioning and communities disproportionately impacted by intergenerational trauma and family violence. CRE’s priority areas are:

  • Impact of intergenerational trauma and family violence
  • Trauma-informed approaches to care
  • Resilience and prevention
  • Healing and recovery from complex trauma
More information about the Stronger Futures CRE

Past Research Projects

2014-2016 - The meaning of rights across cultures:

An exploration of the interpretation of the human rights framework in refugee settlement

A major outcome from the research project was the creation of a Human Rights in Australia Training Package that includes a series of booklets to assist newly arrived refugees understand how human rights conventions are applied in Australia. Topics covered include:

  • A train the trainer manual for service agencies
  • Animated film about Human Rights in Australia in 9 languages
  • An Introduction to Human Rights in Australia booklet for families
  • A Women’s Rights in Australia booklet
  • A Children’s Rights in Australia booklet

Access the Human Rights in Australia Training Package.

Human Rights in Australia Training Package

For more information, visit the UNSW Forced Migration Research Network.

Visit UNSW

2014 - Leaving family behind:

Understanding the irregular migration of unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors

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2008 – 2010 - SettleMEN:

Health and settlement among men from refugee backgrounds living in South East Queensland

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